Request a Certificate Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required 1. Celebrator(s) Info: Celebrant's Name*: Address*: City*: Province*: Select AB - Alberta BC - British Columbia MB - Manitoba NB - New Brunswick NL - Newfoundland and Labrador NS - Nova Scotia NT - Northwest Territories NU - Nunavut ON - Ontario PE - Prince Edward Island QC - Quebec SK - Saskatchewan YT - Yukon Outside Canada Postal Code*: Country*: Telephone: 2. Occasion: Birthday: Date: Age: rs Anniversary: Date: Years: Other: 3. Date of Celebration: Date*: 4. Send the Greetings to: Name*: Mailing Address: City: Province*: Select AB - Alberta BC - British Columbia MB - Manitoba NB - New Brunswick NL - Newfoundland and Labrador NS - Nova Scotia NT - Northwest Territories NU - Nunavut ON - Ontario PE - Prince Edward Island QC - Quebec SK - Saskatchewan YT - Yukon Outside Canada Postal Code*: Telephone*: Email*: 5. I would like a celebratory message from: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth IIxxx.(60 and beyond Anniversaries and 100th and above Birthdays.- Documentation Required) The Governor - General xxx.(50th and beyond Anniversaries and 90th and above Birthdays) The Prime Minister xxx.(25th and beyond Anniversaries and 65th and above Birthdays) Rob Nicholson, MP